Image of me, Sofia Grytsenko. A pale girl with glasses, colorful hair, brown eyes, and wearing a black dress.
Sofia Grytsenko

Welcome to my Portfolio!

My name is Sofia Grytsenko and I am a user experience (UX) designer who loves simplifying complex technological experiences.

I am an alumni of the Human-Centered Computing (HCC) major and Web Development and Psychology minors from Rochester Institute of Technology.

Through my major, I have gained an advanced understanding of user flows, wireframing,
and prototyping. I am passionate about understanding how these designs could be applied.
Web Development advanced my understanding of back-end coding languages and system architecture.

Below is a slideshow of my design and coding projects.To see more details and
projects visit any of the other pages.

Right click on the "View Original File" button to see the source files and protoypes.