Code Portfolio
Server Error Log Tracker Application
Designed a comprehensive application with multiple layers that monitored server log files, identifying and notifying the IT department of errors. In my capacity as both Project Manager and Full-Stack Developer, I utilized HTML, CSS, PHP, and mySQL. I managed tasks and scheduled meetings through Azure DevOps, while also programming seamless interactions between the front-end, back-end, and database components.
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Videos: Re-Designing and Developing RIT's iSchool's Website
A website created using JQuery and RIT's API. The request was to create a modern redesign of the iSchool department's website while learning how to use an API. The server it is hosted on can only be reached if on RIT's wifi or VPN.
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Videos: Educational Unity Minigame
Developed for the client, Readorium. The requirements were to create fun, engaging mini-games that could help elementary school kids memorize vocabulary terms pulled from their database. The game engine that was chosen was Unity with C# as main programming language and PHP to interact with the mySQL database. I was the project manager and head programmer for the PHP portion. I developed some game elements like the main and pause screens as well.
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Videos: Plant Encyclopedia
A JavaScript project coded in HTML and CSS that utlized JSON data to dynamically create the second page based on what the user clicked on. This project was meant to show how repetitve code could be created recursivley. The server it is hosted on can only be reached if on RIT's wifi or VPN.
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NYC Tourist Website
Fully coded HTML/CSS/Javascript website to teach the user about New York City and what they can do there. This was my first full-stack development process, as I also used mySQL databases to record responses from the form page of the site.
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Project Overview
Technology: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, mySQL, PHP
Role: Full Stack Developer
Project Deliverables: Functional Website
Overall Process
This project started with the data collection for all of the pages. I knew I wanted to keep a relatively simple design scheme so I could focus on the back-end portion. The form collects data and inputs it into a mySQL database using PHP; the maps were inserted using iFrames